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Media Center

Welcome to the West Side Elementary Media Center!


The mission of the West Side Elementary Media Center is to provide literacy and technology instruction that supports students as they become independent learners and effective users and producers of information.

We will accomplish this by:

  • Collaboratively planning lessons with classroom teachers to ensure the needs of all learners are met
  • Developing media programs that foster enthusiasm for reading and learning while nurturing students' talents and gifts
  • Providing a secure environment for students to explore their changing interests, increase their knowledge and begin the journey of lifelong learning
  • Providing a collection of materials in a variety of formats that address both the academic and recreational needs of students

Access to the Media Center

The media center is open every school day from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. for individual checkouts and class lessons. Passes will not be issued to homerooms, but teachers are asked to limit individual visits to small groups of students at a time. Groups are able to use the MC for work, reading, games and puzzles.

Checkout Policies


The media center houses a collection of books relating to a variety of parenting issues. These materials, along with other books in the media center, are available for checkout to West Side Elementary parents. Parents are allowed to checkout five items at a time. The materials may be returned by the parent(s) or their student(s). Students are not allowed to check out materials for their parent.


Materials are checked out for a period of two weeks. Students may renew their books, provided the student is able to produce the book at the time of the renewal request, and as long as no other student has requested that book. Materials should be returned to the circulation desk and a shelf marker retrieved to use while searching for new materials. Students should not reshelve their own books.

Students are encouraged to vary their selections to include reading to support the curriculum and for personal enjoyment. Magazines are available to checkout for students in grades 1-5. Kindergarten students may check out one book at a time. Students in grades 1-5 may check out two items (two books, or one book and one magazine or one Playaway). Students in first grade are required to have a Playaway contract on file before checking out a Playaway.

If a student has any overdue materials, they will not be allowed to check out additional materials until the overdue items are returned. While there are no fines for overdue materials, if any materials are not returned by the end of the school year, students will have their report cards held until the materials are returned. Lost or damaged materials must be paid for.

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you!

Email Laura Moseley, Media Specialist, at, with any questions or comments about the West Side Elementary Media Center.

Media Center Links