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Student Clubs

Student engagement with the school community is strengthened when a student finds connections beyond the classroom. West Side offers a variety of before/after school clubs to support students in the performing arts, leadership, and community service. Participation is voluntary, and students must complete the required applications to participate.

Ambassadors & Safety Patrol (4th & 5th Grade)

Selected student Ambassadors will have the opportunity to host community events at West Side while learning interpersonal skills.

Sponsor: Carla Adkison and Lindsay Williams

Eco Ball (Invitation Only)

Eco Ball is just the beginning of a recycling movement at West Side. Eco Ball is a game developed by West Side students, aimed at getting kids excited about recycling. 

Sponsor: Kristen Moore

The Hive Five Podcast (5th Grade)

The Hive Five is West Side's podcast featuring our 5th Grade students. Club members will meet each week to write, record, edit, and publish episodes.

Sponsor: Anna Beaman

K-Kids (2nd-5th Grades)

Encouraging and fostering in student leaders the desire to serve and take responsibility for initiatives and change in their school and community.

Sponsor: Brittany Hornsby

Mathletes/Mathletes Jr.

Mathlete- a person trained or gifted in Mathematics involving mental agility, stamina, or strength. They will explore and create projects around mathematical concepts that push your thinking.

Sponsor: Katy Eason and Catherine Bruner

Reading Bowl (4th-5th Grades)

Reading Bowl participants will read books from the 10 Georgia Book Award Nominees and meet as a book club to discuss each book. A team will be selected to compete in a competitive game format, where students are questioned about the content of each book.

Sponsors: Anna Beaman and Rachel Maddox

Singing Stingers (4th-5th Grades)

To instill a love of singing in participants, to teach participants how to use their gift of singing and to entertain West Side and the community through song.

Sponsor: Lydia Grant

Stinger News Network (4th-5th Grades)

Gain hands-on experience in all aspects of news production, including writing scripts, presenting news, and using closed-circuit television production equipment. Produce and present daily news, announcements, and school promotions to the entire student body.

Sponsor: Laura Moseley

Stingerettes (3rd-5th Grades)

The Stingerette Running Club aims to strengthen confidence by building a strong connection between physical and emotional health at a crucial time in a young girl's life.

Sponsor: Allison Callahan and Lisa Underwood

Student Council (4th-5th Grades)

Student Council will comprise of 4th & 5th grade representatives elected by their peers. From organizing fun events to voicing student concerns, they will embody teamwork and responsibility, making our school a better place.

Sponsor: Catherine Bruner and Rachel Maddox

Yearbook Club (5th Grade)

The Yearbook Club is where creativity meets history. Yearbook Club will tell the story of the school year, capturing memories through photos, interviews, and design. This team will work collaboratively to document the highlights, achievements, and everyday moments that make West Side unique. From concept to completion, we will craft a yearbook that reflects the spirit and experiences of our student body.

Sponsor: Shelley Strack

K-Kids at West Side